Thursday, October 17, 2013


> The word Karate means, "empty hand”.

> The only part of your body that has no blood supply is the cornea in the eye. It gets its oxygen directly from air.

> Men lose about 40 hairs in a day and women lose 70 hairs in a day.

> Do you know the similarity between human body and a banana? You will be amazed to know that 50% of human DNA is same as in banana!

> Your blood has same amount of salts in it as an ocean has.

> About 32 million bacteria call every inch of your skin home, but they are mostly harmless and some of them are even helpful.

> You are taller in the morning than you are at night.

> Heart circulates blood in your body about 1000 times each day.

> Eyelashes last about 150 days.

> A normal human being can survive 20 days without eating but can survive only 2 days without drinking.

> There are 500 hairs in an eyebrow.

> The average human body contains approximately 100 billion nerve cells.

> Three hundred million cells die in the human body every minute and everyday and adult produces 300 billion new cells.

> It is not possible to sneeze with open eyes.

> Bones are 4 times stronger than concrete.

> Average life span of a taste bud is only 10 days.

> You are born without knee caps and they don’t appear until age of 2 to 6 years.

> Children grow faster in springtime

> Eyes stay the same size throughout life but nose and ears never stop growing.

> We born with 300 bones but end up with 206 bones when we are adult.

> Human skull is made up of 26 different bones.

> Hair is made of same substance as fingernails.

> Your skeleton keeps renewing itself every ten years which means that every ten years you get a new skeleton.

> Our entire body functions stop when we sneeze, even your heart beat.

> Tongue is the strongest muscle in human body.

> Typical person goes to bathroom six times a day.

> Food takes 7 seconds to reach stomach from mouth.

> Children have more taste buds than adults.

> Sneeze blows air out of nose at the speed of 100 miles per hour.

> Largest muscle in your body is one on which you are sitting on.

> Smallest bone of body is in ears.

> Hugging releases oxytocin,which helps to heal physical wounds,makes someone trust you more !

> You know ,you can see your nose all the time but somehow your brain always ignores it!

> An average person has over 1,460 dreams a year which is about 4 dreams every night!

> Do you know the similarity between human body and a banana? You will be amazed to know that 50% of human DNA is same as in banana!

> The human body has enough iron in it to make 3 inches long nail.

> Your brain is move active and thinks more at night than during the day. Scientists don't know yet why this is.

> Do you know our brain does not feel pain! Even though brain processes pain signals,the brain itself actually does not feel pain.

> The tips of your fingers have enough strength to support the weight of your whole body

> During your lifetime, you will produce enough saliva to fill two swimming pools.

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